Rating: 8/10

Prepare cake according to package directions. Bake in two 9x1-1/2-inch layer cake pans.
Dissolve gelatin in 1 cup boiling water; stir in 1/2 cup cold water; set aside for 20 minutes.
Cool cake 5 minutes in pans. Remove; place on racks over waxed paper. Using long-tined fork, punch holes in cake, making even rows across cake surface. Spoon gelatin over cake; chill 1 to 2 hours.
Drain berries, reserving 1/2 cup syrup. Prepare strawberry whipped dessert mix according to package directions using berry syrup for the 1/2 cup water. Fold in berries. Spread 1 cup strawberry whipped dessert mix between layers; frost entire cake. Chill 1 hour.
Prepare dessert topping mix according package directions; spread over pink layer.
Prepare cake according to package directions. Bake in two 9x1-1/2-inch layer cake pans.
Dissolve gelatin in 1 cup boiling water; stir in 1/2 cup cold water; set aside for 20 minutes.
Cool cake 5 minutes in pans. Remove; place on racks over waxed paper. Using long-tined fork, punch holes in cake, making even rows across cake surface. Spoon gelatin over cake; chill 1 to 2 hours.
Drain berries, reserving 1/2 cup syrup. Prepare strawberry whipped dessert mix according to package directions using berry syrup for the 1/2 cup water. Fold in berries. Spread 1 cup strawberry whipped dessert mix between layers; frost entire cake. Chill 1 hour.
Prepare dessert topping mix according package directions; spread over pink layer.